• EnvironmentEnvironment

Information disclosure in line with TCFD recommendations

Recognizing that climate change is a threat to sustainable development throughout the world,
Information disclosure in line with the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures), etc.
We will actively work on climate change countermeasures.


In order to properly manage important sustainability issues, the Group has established
We have established a Sustainability Committee, headed by the President and CEO.
We will determine indicators, develop a promotion system, formulate action plans and monitor progress. We will report the results of these efforts to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, etc., and manage and supervise appropriately.


We refer to the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the World Energy Outlook of the International Energy Agency (IEA), and other related information to identify the impacts of climate change risks and opportunities on the organization's business, strategy, and financial plans under the 1.5°C scenario (IEA's NZE2050) and 4°C scenario (IPCC's RCP8.5). In addition, we conduct scenario analysis by broadly classifying risks into transition risks and physical risks. The 1.5°C scenario covers transition risks and opportunities, while the 4°C scenario covers only physical risks, and we use two scenarios to cover the three items of transition risks, opportunities, and physical risks.
In identifying climate-related risks and opportunities, we broadly categorize risks into transition risks and physical risks as described above, and then further categorize transition risks into current regulations, new regulations, legal regulations, technology risks, market risks, and reputation risks, and physical risks into acute risks and chronic risks. Opportunities are categorized into market, resilience, resource efficiency, energy sources, and products and services. For each of these categories, we qualitatively assess and analyze the magnitude of the financial impact on our Group's procurement and sales over the short-term (0-1 year), medium-term (1-3 years), and long-term (3-10 years) time scales to understand the impact of risks and opportunities on the organization.
As described below, in the 1.5°C scenario, we recognize that the impacts of the introduction of new policies and technologies, fluctuations in market prices, and rising raw material prices will occur over the medium to long term, resulting in financial risks through increased procurement costs and reduced customer purchasing power. At the same time, as companies are required to develop low-carbon services and products, new technologies and energy development adapted to climate change will progress, and in that respect we recognize that there will be a positive impact on our finances over the medium to long term through improved opportunities. In the 4°C scenario, we recognize that the impacts of natural disasters and rising temperatures will be long-term, resulting in long-term risks in both procurement and sales.

Scenario analysis results (Transition risks and opportunities: 1.5℃ scenario,
Physical risks: 4°C scenario)

Risks and Opportunities index supply
(short term)
(Medium term)
Current Regulations
  • ・Carbon pricing mechanism
  • - Strengthening of emissions reporting requirements
  • - Mandatory reporting and regulations on emissions from products and services
Procurement Low Low During ~
Earnings Low Low During ~
New regulations
  • ・Carbon pricing mechanism
  • - Strengthening of emissions reporting requirements
  • - Mandatory reporting and regulations on emissions from products and services
Procurement Low During ~ High
Earnings Low During ~ High
Laws and regulations
  • Litigation issues
Procurement Low During ~ During ~
Earnings Low Low Low
Technology Risk
  • - Transition to low-emission products and services
  • ・Failure to invest in new technologies
  • - Transition to low-emission technologies
Procurement Low During ~ High
Earnings Low Low High
Market Risk
  • ・Changes in customer behavior
  • ・Uncertainty of demand
Procurement Low Low High
Earnings Low Low High
  • - Rising raw material prices
Procurement High Low Low
Earnings High Low Low
Reputation risk
  • - Changing consumer preferences
  • ・Criticism of business sectors
  • - Growing stakeholder concerns or negative stakeholder feedback
Procurement Low During ~ During ~
Earnings Low During ~ During ~
Acute risks
  • ・Typhoons and heavy rains
  • ·flood
  • ·heat wave
  • ·Forest fire
Procurement Low Low During ~
Earnings Low Low During ~
Chronic Risk
  • ・Temperature changes (air, fresh water, sea water)
  • - Changes in precipitation patterns and types (rain, hail, snow)
  • - Coastal erosion
Procurement Low Low Low
Earnings Low Low During ~
opportunity market
  • ・Entering new markets
  • ・Introducing incentives
  • Entering new assets and locations
Procurement Low Low During ~
Earnings Low During ~ During ~
  • ・Participate in renewable energy programs and implement energy-saving measures
Procurement Low During ~ During ~
  • ・Participate in renewable energy programs and implement energy-saving measures
  • ・Resource substitution and diversification
Earnings Low During ~ During ~
Resource Efficiency
  • - Use of efficient transportation methods
  • ・Improved efficiency of production and distribution processes
  • ・Use of recycling
  • ・Relocation to more efficient buildings
  • ・Reduce water usage and consumption
Procurement Low During ~ High
Earnings Low Low During ~
Energy source
  • ・Use of low-emission energy sources
  • Use of supportive policy incentives
  • ・Utilizing new technologies
  • ・Participation in the carbon market
Procurement Low Low During ~
Earnings Low Low During ~
Products & Services
  • ・Development and expansion of low-emission products and services
  • ・Developing solutions for climate adaptation, resilience and insurance risks
  • ・Development of new products and services through R&D and technological innovation
  • - Diversification of business activities
  • - Changing consumer preferences
Procurement Low Low High
Earnings Low Low High

Risk management

Our Group will conduct detailed discussions of the risks and opportunities associated with climate change at the Sustainability Committee based on the results of our analysis of the 1.5°C and 4°C scenarios. We will report to the Board of Directors any significant climate change-related risks and opportunities for our Group.

Indicators and targets

Indicators used to assess climate-related risks and opportunities

As shown in the scenario analysis results in "Strategy," the Group sets indicators for each climate-related risk and opportunity, analyzes the trends of these indicators, and evaluates the impact on the Group's finances. For example, for policy and legal risk, the impact of government CO2 emission regulations is used as an indicator, and we have determined that if regulations are strengthened and procurement costs increase, the negative impact on the Group's finances will be significant. In addition, for opportunities, for example, for resource efficiency, the impact of improved efficiency in transportation, distribution, and buildings is used as an indicator, and if improved efficiency is expected to increase customer purchasing power, we evaluate this as having a positive impact on the Group's finances.
Greenhouse gas emissions (hereinafter "GHG emissions") are an important indicator for measuring the financial impact of climate-related risks and opportunities. We also convert these emissions into a carbon pricing monetary value and strive to analyze and understand the impact on our group's finances. As there is currently no carbon price tax or trading system in Japan, we conduct internal carbon pricing (ICP) by referring to the bidding sales price in J-Credit and the carbon trading price in the European Union Emissions Trading System, and analyze the impact of CO2 emissions on our finances.

GHG emissions and related risks by scope

Our group calculates greenhouse gas emissions by scope based on the GHG Protocol. For the fiscal year ending March 2023, we calculated all items for Scope 1, 2, and 3 for our five major companies (TANABE CONSULTING GROUP CO.,LTD., Ltd., TANABE CONSULTING CO.,LTD., Leading Leading Solutions Co.,Ltd., Growin' Partners Inc., Ltd., and Jaythree, Inc.). The actual GHG emissions are as follows:
Regarding the calculation results for each scope, the proportion of Scope 3 is very high. Furthermore, within Scope 3, emissions from Category 1 (purchased products and services), Category 2 (capital goods), and Category 6 (business trips) are particularly high, accounting for 83.6%, 4.7%, and 5.4% of Scope 3 emissions, respectively.
Category 1 accounts for the majority of our Group's emissions, and we believe that it will become a major financial risk for the organization when a carbon tax is introduced in the future. In addition, since Category 1 is related to raw material procurement and is directly linked to procurement costs, we recognize that the strengthening of GHG emission regulations will be linked to price fluctuations in the market and may manifest as a financial risk for our Group.

Goals and performance in managing climate-related risks and opportunities

Our group is working to manage climate-related risks and opportunities by using indicators clarified in scenario analysis to reduce climate-related risks and maximize opportunities. In addition, with regard to our GHG emissions, we aim to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 100% by 2030 from the base year of 2021, taking into consideration the 1.5°C level. To achieve this goal, we will reduce Scope 2 emissions by further promoting the LED lighting in buildings and the reduction of paper and multifunction printers through digital transformation. In addition, we will reduce Scope 2 emissions by increasing the proportion of electricity derived from renewable energy among the electricity used in our offices. After that, we will offset any emissions that cannot be reduced by purchasing non-fossil fuel certificates and renewable energy credits.
As for Scope 3, we will work to reduce emissions by encouraging our suppliers, etc., and aim to achieve carbon neutrality. In doing so, because GHG emissions automatically increase as the scale of business expands with the GHG calculation method that uses price-based emission units, we will also strive to improve our calculation method, such as by conducting an objective analysis based on the trend of GHG emissions as a percentage of sales, with reference to the concept of carbon intensity.

Efforts So FarPrevious Efforts

  • 01

    Participating in “Askul Resource Circulation Platform”
    Contributing to the recycling of used clear holders

    From November 2022, we have joined the Askul Resource Circulation Platform, which aims to recycle and remanufacture used clear holders. By September 2023, we had provided 243 kg of used clear holders, contributing to resource recycling.
    Click here for details on “Askul Resource Circulation Platform”

  • 02

    Implemented greening of the Osaka head office building

    Greening was implemented on the roof and the entrance on the first floor of the Osaka head office building.

  • 03

    Switching to LED at the Osaka head office building

    We switched the lighting of the Osaka head office building to LED.

  • 04

    Reduction of paper and MFPs by promoting DX

    We reduced the amount of paper used by going paperless for meeting materials.
    At the same time, we reviewed and reduced the number of MFPs at all offices*.
    • * Tanabe Consulting Group and Tanabe Consulting only
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