At the same time, we reviewed and reduced the number of MFPs at all offices*.
- * Tanabe Consulting Group and Tanabe Consulting only
Recognizing that climate change is a threat to sustainable development throughout the world,
Information disclosure in line with the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures), etc.
We will actively work on climate change countermeasures.
In order to properly manage important sustainability issues, the Group has established
We have established a Sustainability Committee, headed by the President and CEO.
We will determine indicators, develop a promotion system, formulate action plans and monitor progress. We will report the results of these efforts to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, etc., and manage and supervise appropriately.
We refer to the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the World Energy Outlook of the International Energy Agency (IEA), and other related information to identify the impacts of climate change risks and opportunities on the organization's business, strategy, and financial plans under the 1.5°C scenario (IEA's NZE2050) and 4°C scenario (IPCC's RCP8.5). In addition, we conduct scenario analysis by broadly classifying risks into transition risks and physical risks. The 1.5°C scenario covers transition risks and opportunities, while the 4°C scenario covers only physical risks, and we use two scenarios to cover the three items of transition risks, opportunities, and physical risks.
In identifying climate-related risks and opportunities, we broadly categorize risks into transition risks and physical risks as described above, and then further categorize transition risks into current regulations, new regulations, legal regulations, technology risks, market risks, and reputation risks, and physical risks into acute risks and chronic risks. Opportunities are categorized into market, resilience, resource efficiency, energy sources, and products and services. For each of these categories, we qualitatively assess and analyze the magnitude of the financial impact on our Group's procurement and sales over the short-term (0-1 year), medium-term (1-3 years), and long-term (3-10 years) time scales to understand the impact of risks and opportunities on the organization.
As described below, in the 1.5°C scenario, we recognize that the impacts of the introduction of new policies and technologies, fluctuations in market prices, and rising raw material prices will occur over the medium to long term, resulting in financial risks through increased procurement costs and reduced customer purchasing power. At the same time, as companies are required to develop low-carbon services and products, new technologies and energy development adapted to climate change will progress, and in that respect we recognize that there will be a positive impact on our finances over the medium to long term through improved opportunities. In the 4°C scenario, we recognize that the impacts of natural disasters and rising temperatures will be long-term, resulting in long-term risks in both procurement and sales.
Scenario analysis results (Transition risks and opportunities: 1.5℃ scenario,
Physical risks: 4°C scenario)
Risks and Opportunities | index | supply chain |
Impact (short term) |
Impact (Medium term) |
Impact (Long-term) |
transfer risk |
Current Regulations |
Procurement | Low | Low | During ~ |
Earnings | Low | Low | During ~ | |||
New regulations |
Procurement | Low | During ~ | High | |
Earnings | Low | During ~ | High | |||
Laws and regulations |
Procurement | Low | During ~ | During ~ | |
Earnings | Low | Low | Low | |||
Technology Risk |
Procurement | Low | During ~ | High | |
Earnings | Low | Low | High | |||
Market Risk |
Procurement | Low | Low | High | |
Earnings | Low | Low | High | |||
Procurement | High | Low | Low | ||
Earnings | High | Low | Low | |||
Reputation risk |
Procurement | Low | During ~ | During ~ | |
Earnings | Low | During ~ | During ~ | |||
Physical risk |
Acute risks |
Procurement | Low | Low | During ~ |
Earnings | Low | Low | During ~ | |||
Chronic Risk |
Procurement | Low | Low | Low | |
Earnings | Low | Low | During ~ | |||
opportunity | market |
Procurement | Low | Low | During ~ |
Earnings | Low | During ~ | During ~ | |||
Resilience |
Procurement | Low | During ~ | During ~ | |
Earnings | Low | During ~ | During ~ | ||
Resource Efficiency |
Procurement | Low | During ~ | High | |
Earnings | Low | Low | During ~ | |||
Energy source |
Procurement | Low | Low | During ~ | |
Earnings | Low | Low | During ~ | |||
Products & Services |
Procurement | Low | Low | High | |
Earnings | Low | Low | High |
Our Group will conduct detailed discussions of the risks and opportunities associated with climate change at the Sustainability Committee based on the results of our analysis of the 1.5°C and 4°C scenarios. We will report to the Board of Directors any significant climate change-related risks and opportunities for our Group.
Participating in “Askul Resource Circulation Platform”
Contributing to the recycling of used clear holders
From November 2022, we have joined the Askul Resource Circulation Platform, which aims to recycle and remanufacture used clear holders. By September 2023, we had provided 243 kg of used clear holders, contributing to resource recycling.
Click here for details on “Askul Resource Circulation Platform”
Implemented greening of the Osaka head office building
Greening was implemented on the roof and the entrance on the first floor of the Osaka head office building.
Switching to LED at the Osaka head office building
We switched the lighting of the Osaka head office building to LED.
Reduction of paper and MFPs by promoting DX