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世界中の企業を成功で満たし、ともに未来を創造します。 株式会社タナベコンサルティンググループ代表取締役社長 若松 孝彦 Takahiko Wakamatsu

Since its founding in 1957 Tanabe Consulting Group (TCG) has supported many companies in Japan and around the world as business doctors, with the aspiration that "Japan needs work to save companies." This is why we are known as pioneers of management consulting in Japan.
In addition to our management philosophy of "We love companies, walk together with companies and work for company prosperity." we have newly established our purpose as "supporting their decisions with love, changing the world." We will support the "decisions" of top management through our "unique management consulting value chain," which can provide end-to-end support from formulating management strategies to implementing management operations.
Tanabe Consulting Group consisting of Tanabe Consulting, Leading Solutions, Growing Partners, Jay3, Kartz Media Works, and Surpass, will become TCG is One and contribute to a sustainable future and socio-economic prosperity.